Available courses

This general course explores the concept of addiction.  Addiction is defined and signs and symptoms are examined. Graphic representations are provided that address the "reward circuitry" as to how addiction gets firmly established. An excellent course for those wanting to have a better understanding of the human experience of addiction. A comprehensive handout for developing a plan to manage alcohol use is included in this course.

(1.5 education Hours:  $38 - ADDICTION:  WHAT IS IT REALLY?)

This course uses Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to describe how an addictive personality is impacted by dependency. Three basic solutions used to meet needs are examined.

(1 education hour: $25 - ADDICT PERSONALITY)

This course provides information on how to increase your self-esteem. Included is a discussion of negative thoughts and how to change those that are deemed unwanted or troubling. Several practical self-esteem building activities are suggested, as a means of helping you feel better about yourself.

(3 education hours: $51 - BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM)

From our very popular Family Roles in Substance Abusing Homes course, listen to SubstanceEducation.com's  Omega Galliano talk about common childhood roles and reactions that are typical in homes with addiction. Likewise, from another popular course entitled Understanding Codependency, explore codependency, a toxic and painful type of relationship that is often developed with addicted individuals. All of this in just one course!


This course provides an introductory overview of abusive substances and tools for coping. It consists of some of our most popular courses: Substance Misuse, Tobacco Addiction and Your Health, Cocaine: A Powerful Stimulant, Marijuana: Harmful or Harmless?, What is Alcohol Addiction?, and Coping Skills and Substances.  

(10.5 education hours: $175 - INTRODUCTION TO SUBSTANCE USE)

Knowing where to find information about addiction and relapse prevention is a good start to recovery. This course combines two of our courses: Substance Resources: What You Should Know and Thirty-Seven Signs of Relapse. All the information that you will need in just one course!

(7 educational hours: $119 - SUBSTANCE RESOURCES & WARNING SIGNS)

This course explores caffeine, a naturally occurring chemical compound. We will examine how caffeine works, the impact of caffeine on the body, what constitutes caffeine addiction, overdose, and withdrawal symptoms. Emergency room visits involving energy drinks are discussed in the DAWN report.

(1 education hour: $25 - CAFFEINE: FRIEND OR FOE?)

California's medical marijuana laws allow patients with certain chronic or debilitating diseases to obtain an ID card. This course contains one page resource handouts that are intended to help people understand the definition of a specific illness, the traditional treatment options for the illness, and the alternative medical marijuana treatment options.  

If you don't see a condition, then email meg@substanceeducation.com and we'll add it to our list. A one page resource handout will be provided for each medical condition for which medical marijuana usage may be considered.

To access this course, please send an email to meg@substanceeducation.com.

(CALIFORNIA MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESOURCES: e-mail for price and course access)

Club drugs are a group of different chemicals used at dances, raves, and concerts. This mixed audio presentation and readings course examines three club drugs: MDMA, Ketamine, and GHB. The history, subjective effects, and side effects are discussed for each drug.

(1 education hour: $25 - CLUB DRUGS)

This course explores cocaine, a powerfully addictive stimulant. We will examine the impact of cocaine on the brain, how the drug is abused, the effects of short/long-term usage, and the scope of use within the country.  Additionally, we will examine some of the latest research being conducted.

(1 education hour: $25 - COCAINE)

Colorado's medical marijuana laws allow patients with certain chronic or debilitating diseases to obtain an ID card. This course contains one page resource handouts that are intended to help people understand the definition of a specific illness, the traditional treatment options for the illness, and the alternative medical marijuana treatment options.  

If you don't see a condition, then email meg@substanceeducation.com and we'll add it to our list. A one page resource handout will be provided for each medical condition for which medical marijuana usage may be considered.

To access this course, please send an email to meg@substanceeducation.com.

(COLORADO MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESOURCES: e-mail for price and course access)

Anger can be a paralyzing emotion that causes strained relationships, problems at work or school, and ultimately health-related illnesses. This course includes a discussion of four approaches to decreasing anger: thinking differently, managing stress, recognizing triggers, and taking action. A comprehensive handout for developing a plan to manage anger is included with the course.

(1.5 education hours: $45 - CONTROLLING ANGER)

This course explores the relationship between substance use and coping skills. The importance of developing coping skills as a way to manage real and/or perceived adversity will be examined. The idea of developing a "toolbox" of coping skills will be presented, along with a number of handouts that will provide exercises to increase one's coping skills.

(0.5 education hour: $25 - COPING SKILLS & SUBSTANCES)

This course provides an overview of how depression affects men. Included is a discussion of the signs/symptoms, causes, and types of mental illnesses that often accompany depression. An explanation of treatment options and resources are also provided.

(1 education hour: $25 - DEPRESSION & MEN)

This course provides an overview of how depression affects women. Included is a discussion of the signs/symptoms, causes, and types of mental illnesses that often accompany depression. An explanation of treatment options and resources are also provided.

(1 education hour: $25 - DEPRESSION & WOMEN)

This course is intended to educate both the employee and employer. It is important for the employee to recognize the reasons behind the employer's decision to establish a drug-free workplace policy, as well as to have an understanding of all that goes into this policy. The employer will gain a thorough understanding of a drug-free workplace policy when reviewing the materials. 

(3 educational hours: $65 - DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE)

This course explores the impact of a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS when combined with chemical usage. We will examine the effects on the immune system, potential drug interactions with treatment medications, and will provide basic information about HIV/AIDS. Additionally, we will examine some of the latest research, which highlights the state of science related to this area.

(0.75 education hour: $25 - DRUGS, ALCOHOL, & HIV)

This course examines the nature of addiction through scientific research. It demonstrates how addiction affects both the brain and behavior. It attempts to fill the knowledge gap about disease, the harmful consequences of abuse, and basic approaches to prevent and treat addiction.

(1.5 education hours: $45 - DRUGS, BRAIN & BEHAVIOR)

This course explores the various types of eating disorders and the characteristics associated with each type. It examines various treatment options and research to support effectiveness. Eating disorder statistics have been provided across a variety of populations, as well as a spotlight on eating disorders from the National Institute of Mental Health.

(0.5 education hour: $25 - EATING DISORDERS)

Este curso ofrece una visión general del abuso de drogas y la adicción. Se incluye una explicación de la adicción y un repaso de la marihuana y la cocaína dependencia. Los estudiantes también aprenderán los posibles efectos negativos del uso de estas sustancias.

(6 horas de educacion:  $150 - Comprehender el Abuso de Drogas)

This course provides an overview of drug abuse and addiction. Included is an explanation of addiction and a review of marijuana and cocaine dependency. Students will also learn the potential negative impact of using these substances.

(6 education Hours:  $150 - Understanding Drug Abuse)

This audio presentation was recorded live with SubstanceEducation.com's  Omega Galliano. Common childhood roles observed in substance abusing families are defined and discussed, along with the exploration of how growing up in this environment impacts children as adults.

(1.5 education hours: $45 - FAMILY ROLES)

Addiction is a devastating disease that affects not just the addict, but the addict's loved ones as well. This course provides information on how to understand the addict and tips for living with dependent family members. Family members of addicts reflect on their lives and serve as a moving reminder of how addiction impacts everyone.

(1 education hour: $25 - HELP FOR ADDICTED FAMILIES)

This article provides information about heroin: what it is, how it is used, and the effects of use.

(0.5 education hour: $25 - HEROIN)

Illinois' medical marijuana laws allow patients with certain chronic or debilitating diseases to obtain an ID card. This course contains one page resource handouts that are intended to help people understand the definition of a specific illness, the traditional treatment options for the illness, and the alternative medical marijuana treatment options.  

If you don't see a condition, then email meg@substanceeducation.com and we'll add it to our list. A one page resource handout will be provided for each medical condition for which medical marijuana usage may be considered.

To access this course, please send an email to meg@substanceeducation.com.

(ILLINOIS MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESOURCES: e-mail for price and course access)


This course is designed to give one an overview of addiction and its components from a physical as well as emotional perspective.  Included in the course is information about various drugs and effects; family concerns; workplace issues; and recovery tools.  Graphic representations are provided that help people understand how addiction gets firmly rooted in ones' life.  We will attempt to fill the gap of knowledge between actual use and the scientific research behind use to include the disease, harmful aspects of use and basic approaches to treat addiction.  By looking at legal and illegal drug consumption, you will learn the risks involved in using drugs, potential costs across your life, and the impact of addiction on you, your family and society.  

(12 Education Hours - $175 - IRecover)

Intervention is the process of coming between an addict and the substance, such that the addict recognizes the addiction and chooses to make a change. This course explains the process necessary to complete that goal.

(0.5 education hour: $25 - INTERVENTION: THE PROCESS)

This advanced course examines the impact of drugs as related to medical implications, economic implications, social implications, and addiction. Via explanation of brain toxicity, scientific research, and issues of comorbidity, information is provided that speaks to both nature and nurture issues. The course is filled with interesting statistics, graphs, and the latest research efforts. It is a fantastic scientific exchange of information.

(1.5 education hour: $38 - IT'S A BRAIN DISEASE)

People often debate whether marijuana is an addictive drug that has negative effects on the user. This course explores marijuana--how it is ingested, the effects of long-term use, whether it is addictive, and treatment options for those who believe they are problem users. Students of this course will explore their own use of marijuana to determine if it harmful or harmless.

(3 education hours: $75 - MARIJUANA: HARMFUL OR HARMLESS?)

Is marijuana medicine? This course provides an historical perspective of marijuana, shares basic information about the drug, and explores the potential benefits of medical marijuana to help a variety of physical conditions. Important material about medical marijuana establishments, strains of marijuana that have possible health benefits, and characteristics of good customer service are discussed.

(6 education hours: $240 - MEDICAL MARIJUANA EDUCATION)

Medical marijuana laws across the United States and certain countries allow patients with certain chronic or debilitating diseases to obtain an ID card. This course contains one page resource handouts that are intended to help people understand the definition of a specific illness, the traditional treatment options for the illness, and the alternative medical marijuana treatment options.  

If you don't see a condition, then email meg@substanceeducation.com and we'll add it to our list. A one page resource handout will be provided for each medical condition for which medical marijuana usage may be considered.

To access this course, please send an email to meg@substanceeducation.com.

(MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESOURCES: e-mail for price and course access)

This course provides an overview of the latest scientific findings on methamphetamine. Included is a discussion on how the drug is abused, the scope of the problem in the USA, and the effects of abuse on the body.

(1 education hour: $25 - METHAMPHETAMINE: ABUSE & ADDICTION)

Some active duty military personnel and veterans face unique challenges when adjusting to life after deployment. This course reviews these challenges, as well as common substances military men and woman often use to cope with this readjustment.

(0.50 education hour: $25 - MILITARY PERSONNEL AND SUBSTANCE USE)


Nevada's medical marijuana laws allow patients with certain chronic or debilitating diseases to obtain an ID card. This course contains one page resource handouts that are intended to help people understand the definition of a specific illness, the traditional treatment options for the illness, and the alternative medical marijuana treatment options.  

If you don't see a condition, then email meg@substanceeducation.com and we'll add it to our list. A one page resource handout will be provided for each medical condition for which medical marijuana usage may be considered.

To access this course, please send an email to meg@substanceeducation.com.

(NEVADA MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESOURCES: e-mail for price and course access)

Substance abuse, particularly of alcohol and prescription drugs, among adults sixty and older is one of the fastest growing health problems facing the country. Yet, even as the number of older adults suffering from these disorders climbs, the situation remains under-estimated, under-identified, under-diagnosed, and under-treated.  This course will help older adults, as well as others in relationship with these individuals, gain a better understanding of the issues facing them in society today.


Today's opioid crisis is already the deadliest drug epidemic in American history. Opioid overdoses killed more than 45,000 people in a 12 month period, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The epidemic is now responsible for nearly as many American deaths per year as AIDS was at the peak of that crisis.  This course will provide information about Opioids, its impact and costs.

(6 Education Hours - $150 - Opioid: A Deadly Epidemic)

This course discusses the problems associated with prescription drug abuse. It attempts to help the student more fully understand the risks involved, as well as the impact of prescription drug abuse on a person. By putting the aspect of "legal versus illegal" drugs into context, the student is able to make healthier decisions about drugs in the home.

(3 education hours: $75- PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE)

Gambling, as a pure psychological compulsion, will be examined in this course. The course will offer information about two types of gambling problems with criteria listed for each type. An examination of the impact of gambling is presented, along with an NCAA research report on student athlete gambling. This is an introductory course for people who believe there may be an issue of gambling for themselves or family members.

(2 education hours:  $50 - GAMBLING)

Shame is a powerful, elusive, and clever emotion that can protect or destroy an individual. The healthy function of shame is to protect and motivate us to move in a positive direction. This course examines shame and the addict.

(2 education hours: $38 - SHAME & ADDICTION)

This course provides an overview of substance abuse and addiction. Included is an explanation of addiction and a review of substances, such as prescription drugs, tranquilizers, and illicit drugs. Students will also learn the potential negative impact of using these substances.

(1 education hour: $25 - SUBSTANCE MISUSE)

Finding information about mental health and addiction can be a confusing and sometimes daunting task. This course makes the substance resource search easier by providing definitions and explanations of common terms found in treatment. Included are links to websites for further exploration.

(5 education hours: $85- SUBSTANCE RESOURCES)

This course reviews the effects of using alcohol/drugs on driving behavior. Included is a discussion of behavioral driving domains that, if impaired, could have deadly consequences. Common substances detected in roadside driver surveys are identified and discussed. How these substances impact driving is also explained.

(0.75 education hour: $38 - SUBSTANCE USE AND DRIVING)

This course examines the warning signs of relapse and provides a format for constructing an individualized warning sign list.

(2 education hours: $45 - THIRTY-SEVEN WARNING SIGNS OF RELAPSE)

Despite being the number one cause of preventable death in the United States, tobacco addiction continues to be a common problem for many people. This course explores the facts about tobacco addiction, as well as some tips for quitting its use.

(1 education hour: $25 - TOBACCO ADDICTION & YOUR HEALTH)

Substance use commonly masks anxiety disorders. This course identifies and describes the common signs of anxiety disorders. Included is a discussion of effective treatment methods and resources for further investigation.


There are many people who care deeply about a person who is chemically dependent. Sometimes the relationship with a chemically dependent person can become toxic and develop into codependency. This course will define codependency, provide practical examples, and discuss the recovery process for the codependent individual.

(0.5 education hour: $25 - UNDERSTANDING CODEPENDENCY)

This audio presentation provides an overview of problem drinking. Included is a discussion of the disease concept of addiction and the differences between alcohol abuse versus addiction. Students of this course will have an opportunity to examine their own relationship with alcohol. Resources are provided for further exploration of this topic.

(1 education hour: $45 - WHAT IS ALCOHOL ADDICTION?)